Dreams (Flashmob Remix)
We pull up to the terminal and the Elvi pile out of both buses, itself quite a sight. In the atrium near the main arrival and departure boards, the guys form two lines. They sing and dance along to the remix of the King's "A Little Less Conversation" on some hastily erected loudspeakers.
Dreams (Flashmob Remix)
Download File: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Furlcod.com%2F2udVWo&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AOvVaw0y2UHcIcirncCTk78QVPXB
A number of elements were also designed to enable the audience to interact with the content both live and online including: Hansi 'Two Sides of Me' song remix; iPhone 'random menu generator' application, online 'McDate' tool, polls, competitions, 'Mad Mads' milkshake flashmob live events, Facebook Fan pages and the opportunity to comment or start discussions on both the site and social media pages.[3]
In honor of the upcoming release of the big screen version of the beloved musical 'Les Miserables,' we've compiled a list of the 10 most creative 'Les Mis' covers on YouTube. From protests to dance pop remixes, these videos are a unique spin on a much-beloved musical-turned-movie.
Looks like dubstep has finally reached the world of Broadway show tunes! This remix, created by Ryan Campbell, is actually quite catchy and Gavin Roher's Marius is still better than the atrocious attempt by the youngest Jonas brother in the 25th Anniversary production. At least this guy can actually sing. We also got a giggle out of the "OccupyFrance1832" hashtag in the bottom of the video. Now that's creativity!
We're used to dubstep, dance remixes, and spoof songs, but a metal arrangement of a famous and much-beloved Broadway show tune? Now that's something new! Braving the wrath of the theater geeks, the band Two Way Mirror performed the first-ever metal adaption of 'Do You Hear the People Sing' at the Balliol College Ball in 2012 and it is beautiful. A bit slower than the original, but it sounds awesome. The metal Gods will be pleased.
This is another Ryan Campbell remix, but instead of dubstep, he's melded the world of dance pop with Broadway show tunes. Rachel Dady does an excellent job of turning the soulful 'I Dreamed a Dream' into a catchy and oddly upbeat pop song. This remix is definitely going on our iPods!
In honor of the upcoming release of the big screen version of the beloved musical 'Les Miserables,' we've compiled a list of the 10 most creative 'Les Mis' covers on YouTube. From protests to dance pop remixes, these videos are a unique spin on a much-beloved musical-turned-movie.\nRead More
On April 14 and 17, she posted two videos showing her and a group of nine other women performing a surprise dance to a pop remix of songs by Beyoncé and Sean Paul. She told Insider the dance was part of her wedding, which took place outside Jerusalem. 041b061a72